Wednesday, 26 February 2014

The image/pannel is done. I was experimenting the other day and found that if I saturate the over all image, it personally looks better to me, but I feel the dull colour plays to the world I am trying to place the viewer in. It dark, cruel and so is the heroine.

The first is the original, second the saturated image.

The inking has been sorted out and I have started to do the colouring.

Image of Tendril inked, really for colouring and then to be fitted in my comic.

This is an update on the piece. Its very close to completion. When discussing the piece with a colleague, he suggested that  I put a high contrast highlight on Tendrils body. I took the advice and saw that it really makes the image pop, making sure Tendril keeps focus.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

The perpose of this image is to show a finished, inked coloured and shaded panel. It is not actually complete yet, just to show progress.